
关于Air Jordan 品牌的

2011.08.06   来源: 互联网 大字

Free shipping,cheaper price,best quality。Pick your satisfied rider here。 Our Jordan Shoes Site is dedicated to Michael Jordan who greatly changed the basketball game and the shoes that bear his name。 Michael Jordan and Nike started a basketball shoes revolution in 1985。 We as Air Jordan shoe fans are dedicated to providing you with the newest and best Nike Air Jordan shoes information available on the web。 Our passion is Air Jordan shoes and this website is our tribute the Air Jordan brand produced by Nike。 Our site focus on all the different Air Jordan Shoes produced by Nike that have been realeased starting in 1985 to 2009。 If you‘re looking for Air Jordan shoes, you may have realized it is difficult to find them。 We strive to provide you with information on online shoe stores that carry authentic Nike Air Jordan shoes。

免费的运输,便宜的价格,*好的质量。在这里挑选您满意的rider。我们乔丹运动鞋是隶属于迈克尔乔丹公司,他极大地改变了篮球比赛,我们的鞋以他的名字为命名。迈克尔乔丹和耐克在1985年开始篮球运动鞋革命。作为空中飞人乔丹鞋的粉丝,我们致力于在互联网上提供给您*新,*好的耐克乔丹鞋的信息。我们的网站集中了所有从1985-2009年不同的由耐克生产的Air Jordan鞋。如果你寻找Air Jordan鞋,你可能会发现很难找得到它们。我们力争提供给您在线鞋网店的信息,带给您信赖的耐克Air Jordan 鞋


Today, NIKE has 37 years of history, from NIKE produce the first Bruin to start dual-sport shoes since 1972, to the changing technology today, NIKE in this 33 years, through the ups and downs, which casting the brand glory which other can not catch。

而与此相比较而言,AIR JORDAN系列的历史并没有NIKE长远。

To comparison with this, AIR JORDAN family history has no long-term as NIKE。

1985年,迈克尔·乔丹以高薪合约被当时还是小厂家的体育用品生产商NIKE签约至旗下,而NIKE随即也为乔丹推出了**款以“乔丹”命名的球鞋,即AIR JORDAN系列的**款:NIKE AIR JORDAN I——虽然这款球鞋在当时具备奇特的配色以及新奇的科技,但是谁都不曾想到,这居然会是一个**的开始。

In 1985, Michael Jordan to be paid the contract at the time as **all manufacturer of sporting goods manufacturers to NIKE’s contract, and NIKE Jordan was also introduced to the first paragraph, “Michael Jordan” sneakers named, that is the first AIR JORDAN SERIES paragraph: NIKE AIR JORDAN I - although this time with strange shoes in the color as well as new technology, but not everyone thought that this could be the beginning of a myth。

24年过去了,AIR JORDAN系列篮球鞋如今俨然已经成为***好的篮球鞋系列。在这24载的春秋里,乔丹经历了两次复出和三次退役;在这24载的春秋了,AIR JORDAN系列也经历了无数风雨。

24 years have passed, AIR JORDAN basketball shoes series now seems to have become the world‘s best basketball shoe series。 Of these 24 contained in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Jordan has experienced two back and three retired; Of these 24 contained in the Spring and Autumn, AIR JORDAN series has gone through numerous trials and hardships。

AIR JORDAN XX3为篮球迷们献上的是一款外观精美、性能**的产品:轻质、贴近地面、透气、穿着舒适无比。鞋面部分的细节设计精巧细腻,由一台**的、正在申请**的缝纫机制作而成。低帮鞋垫能让球员的足部尽可能地贴近地面,增强球员对球场地面的触感。*特的设计元素还包括印在大底上的迈克尔?乔丹的指纹,指纹型纹路被用作鞋底的抓地纹路;鞋舌内衬背后还印有乔丹的拇指指纹,

AIR JORDAN XX3 presented for basketball fans is the appearance of a beautiful, high performance products: light, close to the ground, breathable, extremely comfortable to wear。 Upper part of the fine details of design sophistication, from a new, patent-pending machine produced。 Low to help the foot insoles allow players as much as possible close to the ground, enhancing the players touch the ground on the stadium。 Unique design elements include printed in large at the end of the Michael? Jordan’s fingerprint, fingerprint patterns were used as the sole type of grip patterns; tongue printed lining behind Jordan‘s thumbprint,

AIR JORDAN XX3是耐克公司首款根据Nike Considered设计理念打造的篮球鞋。AIR JORDAN XX3的设计尽可能地减少浪费,并采用了溶剂型接着剂。热电塑料聚氨酯橡胶鞋垫后部的自动推动的质量涂装工艺是由高效机械臂完成的,保证了涂层与部件的质量、牢度与耐用性。大底采用的环保橡胶可以减少毒性,并采用了NikeGrind材料,这种材料是由鞋底制造期间产生的废料制成而成。球鞋的构造强调了环保材料的使用。鞋面:由**申请中的新型的线迹缝纫机缝制3维鞋面。双密度鞋垫。鞋跟部位采用内层双密度缓慢复原的泡绵,适应足形、更加合体。一次压模成形的Phylon中底。全掌平滑内层鞋套可以增加舒适性,同时使鞋形更显流畅。鞋领/鞋舌内衬采用Nu-foam材料,增加低筒球鞋的舒适性。新型填絮的图案塑模内衬提供**的足弓支撑。加强的鞋腰面板准确构成并保持鞋楦形状,使合体效果达到*佳。透气鞋舌可以让空气逸出,使足部保持更加干爽。构造成型期间,鞋面经过两次轮胎压床于鞋楦上,使鞋面形状与鞋楦形状完全吻合。中底/大底:全掌Zoom Airsole单元提供**的缓震性。碳素纤维材料的鞋骨承托板增加重要部位的结构与支撑。性能**的TPU鞋垫增加稳定性与支撑。重量轻 – 15盎司。中底厚度*小的篮球鞋之一,使球员的足底尽量接近并感受球场地面。鞋骨承托板直接垫入TPU鞋垫模,TPU直接压模于整个承托板之上。这是*有效的制造工艺,因为可以增加耐用性、减少浪费、减少溶剂型接着剂的使用。这是功能性鞋品的创新。高级缓震系统包含低筒IPS 系统,在后跟部位配有较大的软垫,并与前掌的低筒改良IPS结合。

NIKE AIR JORDAN XX3 is the company’s first design in accordance with Nike Considered to create basketball shoes. AIR JORDAN XX3’s design as much as possible to reduce waste and use of solvent-based adhesive. Thermo plastic urethaneinsoles back automatically to promote the quality of the coating process is completed by the highly efficient robot arm to ensure the quality of coatings and components, fastness and durability. Large at the end of rubber can be used to reduce the toxicity of environmental protection and use of NikeGrind material, such material is generated during the soles are made from waste. Stressed the importance of shoes constructed using environmentally friendly materials. Upper: patent applications from the new type of sewing stitch sewing machine 3-D uppers. Dual-density insole. Parts of the inner heel using dual density slow recovery foam, enough to adapt to the shape of a more fit. Phylon forming a die in the end. In charge of **oothing the whole inner shoe cover can increase comfort, while making more **ooth-shaped shoes. Shoes collar / tongue lining Nu-foam material used to increase the low drum of comfort shoes. Xu to fill the new design to provide superior mold lined with arch support. Back panel to enhance the accuracy of the shoes pose and maintain the shape of shoe last, so that the best fit results. Breathable tongue allows air to escape to keep feet dry even more. Forming structure, the upper tire pressure after a two-bed in the shoe last, so that the shape of shoe last upper shape exactly. In the end / big at the end: All Zoom Airsole unit in charge of providing excellent shock relief. Shoes carbon fiber materials to increase bone support key parts of the plate and support structure. Performance TPU insoles to increase the stability and support. Light weight - 15 ounces. The **allest thickness of the end of one of basketball shoes, so that the foot as close as possible to the players and feel the ground stadium. Shoes bone pad support plate directly into the mold TPU insoles, TPU die directly on the entire support plate. This is the most efficient manufacturing process, because they can increase the durability and reduce waste, reduce the solvent-based adhesive use. This is the functional shoes innovation. Advanced cushioning system contains a low cylinder IPS system, followed by parts of the pad with the larger, and with a tube to improve the low hand combination IPS.

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